Beru Introduces “Sellers Pages”

Much like on eBay, Beru users can now navigate to a sellers profile page and view other items that they have for sale.

On the seller page, users can filter products by category, select products with discounts, sort products by popularity, ascending or descending prices.Ā 

If the seller’s goods are in the same warehouse, his page will display an announcement that the goods will arrive in one package and will not be divided into several orders.Ā It can also influence the user’s decision to place an order.

The Russian Ecommerce Market

Data has shown, globally, that the COVID pandemic has greatly accelerated the growth of ecommerce markets around the world – and in Russia it has been no different.

Yandex themselves have been expanding into the “quick delivery” market with Lavka, including branding their own products.

We’ve covered the recent Russian market trends here: